Ph: 0466 077 561
Majestic Horse Functional Therapy was founded by Angela Lemanis – a qualified and fully insured equine functional therapist. Qualifications include: Post-Graduate Diploma in Equine Osteopathy; Teaching Associate with Animal Osteopathy International; Diploma in Equine Myofunctional Therapy; Certificate in Equine Photonic Therapy; and member of the Worldwide Alliance of Equine Osteopaths (WAEO); the Association of Animal Osteopaths (AAO); and the Equine Therapies Association of Australia (ETAA).
Majestic Horse Functional Therapy provides a safe, gentle and effective osteopathic approach to treatment and management. This approach is founded on a deep understanding of equine anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, and psychology, combined with a thorough understanding of the specific demands placed on the horse's body and their chosen discipline. Along with osteopathic techniques, Angela is also qualified in myofunctional therapy; craniosacral therapy; soft tissue techniques; myofascial release and fascial unwinding; photonic red-light therapy; equine reiki; and kinesiology taping to benefit the physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing of each horse.
Angela is dedicated to maintaining ‘whole of horse’ health and balance by thoroughly assessing the biomechanical, physiological and psychological aspects – the internal and external environments. The body is a unified organism and all body systems including the musculoskeletal system, should operate in unison. Disturbances or dysfunctions in one system can alter the functions of other systems. From the paddock companion horse through to the highly-tuned equine athlete, Angela believes that all horses should feel ‘majestic’.
A horse lover for as long as she can remember, Angela has worked for an equine not-for-profit charity in the ACT, and has volunteered with several Horse Rescues over the years (including Save A Horse Australia and Amanda Vella's Bella Vita Equine Welfare and Horse Sanctuary) where she treated horses who have been abused or neglected, or were slaughter-bound before being rescued. Seeing horses in their worst physical condition and in their most vulnerable and fearful state has made Angela’s resolve even greater – to help all horses enjoy health and wellbeing, and to feel, look and perform at their best. Angela regularly visits rescue horses each fortnight to provide treatment sessions pro bono, and sees it as her small way of being able to give back to these beautiful animals.
The Equine Osteopathic approach is a completely holistic approach – looking at the entire body and how everything within it interacts and interplays (how the manifestation of one thing can have an origin somewhere else in the body); the internal and external influences on the body as a unit; and that to address the issue and treat the individual, many factors need to be investigated and explored. The body is always looking to return to homeostasis and balance, and osteopathy is a complete therapy which identifies the cause of the dysfunction; removes the dysfunction by addressing the cause; and then facilitates/assists/supports the body to find its balance and state of well-being and health again.
All bodily components are considered – muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, connective tissues, organs, fascia, myofascial lines, the skeleton, the nerves that innervate, the systems and processes (respiratory-circulatory, metabolic-endocrine, biomechanical, biopsychosocial-behavioural, neurological), and how it all works together. Osteopathy works in both a preventative manner and in a therapeutic treatment manner.
Angela's approach is always in line with osteopathic concepts and principles.
Osteopathic Principles (1953 to current):
The Silent Principle – the rule of artery is supreme!
An osteopathic approach to treatment always begins with a thorough case history about the horse – the more Angela knows about your horse, his/her medical history; the mechanism of injury (if there has been a recent injury); any changes you’ve observed recently; any comorbidities; current feed and any nutritional requirements; any medications or supplements; current exercise schedule/workload; what you would like the horse to be able to do (if you are working towards a specific goal); the environmental conditions and lifestyle your horse has; any stereotypies or behavioural considerations etc. This all helps to paint a picture of what has occurred in your horse’s history and what is occurring currently which may be predisposing, causing or maintaining an issue/restriction/dysfunction.
This is then followed by:
All the time looking and feeling for specific restrictions, pain or dysfunction. Angela will then conduct the treatment session and will advise of rehabilitation and/or management plans – all specific and uniquely tailored to your horse.